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Welcome to Self Discovery Quest

The key to living a life of purpose and meaning is knowing who you really are, the process that Jung called individuation and that is also known as self-realisation. Connect with your true Self to find emotional and mental freedom. Take on a journey of introspection and self-awareness to generate resilience, transformation and growth. Become the active creator of your life rather than the victim of outer events.  

Let's get started

Self Discovery Quest offers a range of resources for self-improvement and self-discovery. All of these are designed with you in mind, to motivate, guide and inspire you.

Take a look by clicking on the images below. 

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Here you can find useful handouts, meditations and practical exercises to support emotional healing and life transformation.



Listen to my first series on the essential concept for self-discovery and transformation. Be inspired every day.


I am a Clinical Psychologist and Interpersonal Therapist based in the UK. From a very early age I had the desire to explore, understand and elevate human condition – including mine. I have been exploring topics around human evolution, spirituality and psychology for over 15 years…

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FREE live workshop

Meditation for Mental Wellbeing

Sunday 22nd August 09:45 am (London time zone + recording)

Ready to start your journey?

FREE live workshop

Meditation for Mental Wellbeing

The first of a series of workshops to enhance mental wellbeing and boost personal growth.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

– The basics of meditation: using the mind, stopping the mind or healing the body?

– What is mental wellbeing?

– Can meditation be therapeutic and how?

– Practice session…your first meditation!


>>>When? Sunday 22nd August 09:45 am(London time zone)  or watch the recording if you can’t make this time!